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High Sperm Count (Hyperspermia)

If a man has a high sperm count, conceiving may not be easy. And if their partner does get pregnant, she has a slightly higher chance of having an abortion.

High Sperm Count

Hyperspermia, also called “High Sperm Count,” is when a man makes a lot of sperm when he ejaculates. Semen is the fluid that includes sperm and comes out of a man’s reproductive system when sexually active.

The average amount of sperm made when a man ejaculate is between 1.5-5 milliliters. Hyperspermia happens when a man makes more sperm than this range.

Men who have High Sperm Count have a high sex drive.

Hyperspermia Cause

The exact Hyperspermia cause still unknown, But the following are some factors that can cause hyperspermia:

  • Hydration
  • Hormonal fluctuations.
  • Medication for treating fertility or hormonal issues.
  • The gap between sexual activity and masturbation.


These symptoms can relate to hyperspermia.

  • Semen color may appear whiter or more opaque.
  • Ejaculate may appear thicker or denser than usual.
  • Increase sexual desire.
  • Painful Ejaculation.


Following are some diagnosis processes for High Sperm Count:

  • Physical Examination. Enlarged testes
  • Semen Analysis.
  • Hormone Test.
  • Urological Evaluation.

Treatment of Hyperspermia

Hyperspermia is not considered a medical disorder that needs treatment unless it’s not affecting your ability to get your partner pregnant.

A Sexologist may suggest some medicines or sperm retrieval techniques for fertility caused by high sperm count.

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