Male Infertility

Male infertility in Urdu known as”مردانہ بانجھ پن”, is the Fertility problem of males, which means the inability to get the female partner pregnant. Studies have reported that approximately 7-8% of men of reproductive age experience infertility worldwide, and 15% of couples despite being perfectly healthy are experiencing difficulties in conceiving.
The inability to have a child can lead to emotional stress and relationship strain.
Male Infertility Symptoms
There are common signs of infertility:
- Difficulty to conceive.
- Abnormal sperm count or motility or morphology.
- Sexual issues like ED and PE.
- Enlarged or shrunken Testicles.
- Pain and swelling in the testicles.
- Genetic disorders.
Male Infertility Causes
- Azoospermia
- Oligospermia.
- Varicocele.
- Ejaculatory Duct Blockage.
- Hormonal Imbalances.
- Infection.
- Abnormal Morphology or Reduced Motility.
- Erection Problem.
Azoospermia: Azoospermia Refers to no sperm in semen. That means when such kinds of patients ejaculate they might produce seminal fluid or there could be prostatic fluid present but not sperm found in it.
Oligospermia: Oligospermia refers to low sperm count in ejaculation, especially having fewer sperm than the normal range. This condition in men leads to infertility.
Varicocele: can cause an increase in blood retention and pooling of blood in the spermatic cord and scrotum, which raises the temperature in the testicles, and this increased temperature can damage the sperm. That’s how it causes infertility.
Blockage: The male reproductive system consists of various structures responsible for sperm production, transport, and ejaculation. If any of these structures are blocked by birth or after birth due to any reason, it can hinder normal sperm flow, leading to infertility.

Hormonal imbalances: disrupting the delicate hormonal environment for average sperm production and function. It can lead to infertility.
Infection: Mumps Orchitis, Prostatitis, Epididymitis, Urethritis, or systemic diseases, can lead to male infertility.
– Orchitis is an inflammation of the testicles. A viral or bacterial illness usually causes it. It can hurt the testicles and stop them from making sperm.
– Prostatitis is when the prostate gland gets inflamed, often caused by a bacterial illness. The prostate gland makes seminal fluid, which feeds and moves sperm. Sperm quality can be affected by an infection in the prostate.

– Behind the testicles is a tube called the epididymis that is coiled and where sperm mature and are kept.

– Urethritis is tube inflammation that takes pee and sperm out of the body.
Abnormal Morphology: refers to the shape and structure of sperm cells, which can impact male fertility.
Erection Problem: associated with problems in sexual activity, males become unable to penetrate females and hence unable to transport the sperm into females thus causing infertility.
Risk Factors
Here are some common psychological and lifestyle risk factors associated with male infertility:
- Aging.
- Smoking.
- Drugs.
- Diabetes
- Uses of Tobacco.
- Obesity.
- Environmental Factors.
- High level of Stress.
- Previous Radiation Therapy.
- Previous Injuries.
To identify the cause of infertility your healthcare provider will require some tests. These tests may include:
- Physical Examination or History taking.
- Semen analysis.
- Hormone levels in blood tests.
- Other Blood tests.
- Testicular biopsy. (only if needed in blockage)
Treatment of Male Infertility at Mens care Clinics in Karachi
The Mens Care clinics is well-equipped with modern technologies to diagnose male infertility. First, your basic history will be taken by professional staff, and then you will consult our experienced sexologist; the sexologist will recommend some tests as mentioned above to diagnose the cause of your problem. Depending on your test results, your infertility treatment options may include:
- Medication (which usually takes a bit longer to show results) because sperm formation takes 90 days to complete, if you want to see the result of medicine, you can only test the results after 90 days because the sperm that started to develop today will ejaculate from your body after 90 days.
Infertility can affect men’s life in various aspects. Here are some potential complications related to male infertility:
- Social pressure
- Relationship difficulties.
- Stress.
- Emotional Impact.
- Decreased Quality of life.
- Loss of Sexual interest.
- ED and Premature Ejaculation.
Some causes of infertility may be difficult to prevent, but some presentation strategies can help to reduce the risk of infertility issues:
- Balance diet.
- Reduce stress.
- Maintain proper hydration.
- Stop smoking and drug usage.
- Avoid Tobacco.
- Maintain weight.
- Protect the genital area.
- Stop using very tight Pants or underwear
- Get yourself checked regularly.
- Where ever you go for treatment must continue it for the time it is advised to.
When to Visit Sexologist?
Visit a sexologist if you are experiencing sexual difficulties which are impacting your ability to conceive for a year or longer without success, such as erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, or any other sexual problem. It is recommended to seek medical advice from a professional healthcare provider.
Note: Finding the best sexologist can be difficult. However, there are several factors to consider when choosing your doctor for sexual problems. Look for an experienced doctor who is an expert in diagnosing and treating Male sexual problems, not just prescribing you a bunch of medicines without any test or diagnosis. It is also important to choose a doctor and clinic to whom you feel comfortable talking about your sexual problem. By working with an experienced doctor or specialist, firstly you will be able to find the cause of your problem and indirectly will educate yourself about your sexual system secondly, you can find the best treatment plan for your particular sexual problem and improve your overall sexual health.
Why choose Men's Care Clinics?
If you are looking for a specialized clinic and experienced doctors to help you with the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction(mardana kamzori/ مردانہ کمزوری), then you can trust the professionals of Men’s care clinics. Men’s care clinics are one of a kind which mainly and only focus on male sexual health, and offer a range of diagnostic tests mentioned above. And this much detailed checkup is not possible in any random clinic or hospital nor any random Doctor is able to do these tests, and after your problem is diagnosed then state-of-the-art types of equipment being used in the world are available in Men’s care clinics to treat Erectile Dysfunction and other Male Sexual Disorders such as Premature Ejaculation, Low Sex Drive, Nightfall, Performance Anxiety, Jiryan, Size and Shape problems and so on.
Author: Dr, Mujahid Farooq
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Erection Issues
- Size & Shape Problem.
- Post Marital Issues.
Timming Issues
Psychological Issues
- Pre & Post Marriage Counselling.
- Fear of Sexual Failure.
- Counselling for low confidence of sexual success.
- Comprehensive trying to improve self esteem.
Book your Appointment with Best Men’s Care Clinics
Self Test/اپنا جنسی جائزہ لیں
Male Infertility
Male Sexual Problem
Male Infertility